A reality of life in our household is that the moment I finish the last load of laundry another full basket of dirty clothes magically appears. The whole process of doing laundry creates a lot of waste -- the bottles of detergent create a lot of waste and the amount of water used for just one load is incredible.
A new company has come up with an eco-friendly option. Dropps has created a new, super-concentrated, eco-friendly liquid laundry detergent that comes in convenient dissolvable "toss-and-go" packs. By creating a toss-and-go alternative Dropps seeks to offer an easy, everyday way for consumers to reduce their dependence on bottled water and plastic. Just toss a dropp into the laundry and go. There's no waste and the deterget is NPE- and phosphate-free.
dropps can be purchased at select Target, Wal-Mart, and Whole Foods stores.